Phil's Vegan Recipes
This is a non-profit information & educational website. Notwithstanding that, Phil’s vegan recipes website is all about making tasty nutritious healthy crowd-pleasing vegan food. Spreading the word that vegan food is not boring or tasteless – quite the reverse in fact.
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It’s generally agreed by health authorities, both in the USA and the UK, that there’s no dietary need to consume meat, fish or dairy – the evidence is clear on this. Some supplements may be advantageous for certain folk, but that’s true of almost any diet or lifestyle.
All the recipes have been road-tested by me, and they’re pretty much all in grams or ml as opposed to the US style of cups which are very difficult to follow accurately.
There are some recommendations of kitchen gadgets to save on time and effort (but I’m not being paid to promote them), and there are spreadsheets to help with some tasks as well as calorie controlling.
Some of the recipes were originally sourced from the internet, but then tweaked to improve them (IMHO of course) – but they are all non- copyright, and you can use them, or copy them, in any way you like. A credit where you’re using the recipe unamended would be nice but is not required.
When you realize that giving up meat and dairy, means you’re then free to experiment with all the myriad combinations of seeds, nuts, grains, roots, tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, fruits, flowers, leaves, stems, beans, seaweeds, and fungi – you will see that you really aren’t missing anything – apart from all the degenerative disease and environmental degradation and worst of all the animal cruelty – caused by the meat and dairy industries. Use phil’s vegan recipes blog to free yourself and the animals from that.
Happy cooking!